
Interlegal спільно з Південноукраїнським офісом Європейської бізнес-асоціації запрошує вас долучитися до EBA Shipping Talks – заходу, на якому ми разом з експертами галузі шукатимемо (і знайдемо!) рішення для найгостріших проблем морського бізнесу. Дата: 5 листопада о 14:00Місце: онлайн у ZOOM та офіс Interlegal (Одеса, вул. Грецька 1А) Модератор – Карина Горова, партнер Interlegal  В межах Shipping Talks ключові гравці ринку та юристи Interlegal об’єднаються, щоб надати вам повний і вичерпний огляд актуальної […]

I had my first boerewors roll, a uniquely South African delicacy, in Dubai, long before I moved to South Africa.. I tasted stroopwafel for the first time in Johannesburg, years before I visited Netherlands.. Like me, I’m sure many of you have enjoyed wonderful things from different parts of the world without leaving your own country.. Seaborne trade, one of the oldest forms of global […]

Marine and Aircraft Vessels

Airports and Ports involved in the transportation of weapons, stolen Ukrainian products and in the circumvention of sanctions Maritime logistics is critical for building up the aggressor`s military capabilities, moving troops, obtaining weapons and sanctioned items, and trafficking in stolen goods. Aggressors transport weapons through international straits on civilian merchant ships. Fossil fuel exports, bypassing sanctions, are the main source of income for russia and […]

ABSTRACT Since the start of the full-fledged Russian invasion, Ukraine has attempted twice to unlock its Black Sea ports, both of which took place after significant changes during hostilities. The initial attempt, the Black Sea Grain Initiative of 2022–2023, facilitated by the UN, employed mediation techniques from the hybrid stage of the conflict 2014–2022. The unilateral humanitarian corridor (since 2023) relied on Ukraine’s military capabilities […]

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